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Teacher Agreement (legal stuff)

Legal texts are not exactly fun to read, but unfortunately, they are necessary.

We have prepared a teacher agreement that uses this legal tool to assure you as the teacher/ course instructor that you own the right to your work, to the content you created and provided at any point. This means we do not ask for exclusivity. You can use the same content somewhere else, publish a book or whatever you want to do with your work.

We only ask you for a short notice period in case you want to delete your content. Which we are optimistic you won't feel the need for.

This also means that you are responsible for the claims you make towards your students. As a teacher, you have authority and, therefore, a huge responsibility towards your students' wellbeing.

Please read this statement carefully and send it to us.


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  1. Happiness Community Management

  2. Posted 4 years ago
  3. Updated 4 years ago
